Friday, June 17, 2011

Bird Skirt

Been working on some sewing projects lately.  I picked up some fabric in Ikea awhile ago and finally finished making a skirt out of it.  Although I'm taking a pattern-making class with a friend of a friend, we haven't gotten to skirts yet.  I figured, how hard can it be to make a simple A-line skirt?  Well, it's a bit harder than I thought....especially since it was my first time using an invisible zipper.  I have to admit, the skirt doesn't quite fit perfectly, but it's good enough for me!

skirt collage 2
skirt photoshoot 3

Next time around, I learned that I need to draw the pattern on a curve for the waist.  See how my skirts looks rather boxy at the waist and gaps a little at the waist?  Curving the waistband will create a more fitted look.  So, now I can tweak my pattern so that it fits better next time.  But, I'm pretty happy with it and will wear it with pride.  Maybe my pattern making teacher will show me how it's correctly done.  Right now, I'm still working on my first piece - a blouse.  She showed me how to create a basic top pattern for my own body and we drafted the pattern for this shirt together.  Right now, it looks suspiciously like grandma's pj's, but I'm hoping that won't be the case when I'm done!


In other completely unrelated news, I went shopping and picked up a pair of shoes for S$9 -that's about US$7.50! Score :-) Maybe I'll wear them with my new skirt.



  1. I LOVE the skirt. It looks fun! Not so bad for some IKEA fabric :)

  2. Thanks! I love making things out of Ikea fabric :)
