I went to the store, bought too much fabric
Oh baby, baby.
Oops I couldn't refrain
From getting more fabric
I've got to stay away...
Ok enough of that, you're probably rolling your eyes. Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of Britney, it's just the first thing that popped in my mind and out of my mouth when Andy came home and saw the new additions to my stash. (I have noticed that if I put on my cutesy face and voice, he doesn't seem to get too angry when show him my purchases....haha). But really, I'm thankful to have such a generous husband.
My new fabrics! In my defense, I am planning on making a throw sized quilt as a wedding present for a friend. However, there's no way that a throw needs oh....say 11 yards of fabric? hee hee. The second point in my defense is that it was a store closing sale so I basically bought these fabrics at 50% off. Now how often does that happen?!? That's right girls, I just HAD to take advantage.
Oh, and I couldn't resist and picked up these places for 50 cents a pop!
On a totally unrelated tangent, I often drive by this patch of black-eyed susan's when I go out. Every time I go by, I think to myself I should really pick some of these...they would look great in my apartment. I once asked Andy to stop and he refused. So, the other day, I was driving by myself and decided to stop and pick me some flowers! I must've looked like the crazy lady running around grabbing flowers off the side of the road. But, it was worth it - they look beautiful (or they did for 2 days before they wilted :-(...)
This past weekend was a relaxing weekend...sorta (if you call working from home relaxing). Andy's been busy at work and had to put in some extra hours during the weekend. I'm busy working on my sis-in-law's cushion covers. So we both set up on my sewing table in the "study/sewing room" area and spent the day working while watching a few mindless movies (like Deathrace 2, From Paris with Love).
Getting ready to cut - one of the cushions is practically the size of twin mattress
Trying to work out the dimensions for making a lapped zipper. After reading a few tutorials, I just decided to do it my own way....still came out pretty good :-)
A working Saturday = not so much fun for Andy, but lots of fun for me. As usual, I took up 2/3 of the table and Andy got 1/3. This applies to many things in our marriage - our queen bed, the blankets, the closet....you get the point.
Andy's engineering - sorry I can't show any real documents, they're confidential.
My engineering - don't mock, sewing involves lots of calculations!
Andy's computer screen. I had to blur it out just to be safe, but he's got it open to microsoft outlook.
My computer screen - music inspires me to sew. Everything is made better with a little music. Lately, I've been on a Mat Kearney kick.
So that was a weekend. Hope yours was more exciting than ours! Alrighty, time for me to finish up these cushions. 1 down 2 to go....
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