Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Telunas, Indonesia

I'm in the middle of moving, sitting in the now empty living room of our apartment taking a break from cleaning. I probably should've hired someone to clean, but I felt kind of guilty hiring someone because there's really no good reason I can't clean my apartment myself (besides the fact that my swiffer got packed and loaded).  

Anyway, while the packers were wrapping away yesterday, I finally managed to get my pictures from our Easter weekend getaway up.  This year, we celebrated Easter at Telunas Beach, Indonesia.  I'd heard rave reviews of this retreat from many friends.  It's a small place with huts over the water, in the middle of nowhere.   There's no TV or internet there and you can only reach the place by boat.  This place is so remote, Google maps can't even find it.  

Fishing boats - we rode in one of these to Telunas

Welcome to Telunas - we were greeted with yummy fruity drinks

Our chalet

Walkway to the dining hut

Beautiful view of the sunset from our patio

In the mornings, they brought tea and coffee to our hut so we could enjoy it on the porch.


The first morning, we forgot to tell them what time to bring the coffee so Andy went out to get it for me.

What a great husband!

We signed up for a jungle trek on the second day and went with a group of Germans who were also living in Singapore.  We took a boat to a nearby island and cruised on one of the inlets to our starting point.  It was like a scene out of "The River", just without all that weird supernatural stuff.


Jumbu growing in the jungle - these are my favorite fruit!

We trekked 2 hours to a waterfall and went swimming in the pool.  The water was super cold, but it was so refreshing after 2 hours in the hot and humid jungle.


Andy taking a jump from the ledge into the pool.

Refreshed by our swim and ready to hike back!

The rest of the weekend, we enjoyed the activities the resort had to offer.

We kayaked to a nearby island and explored a little

Gorgeous beach

Enjoying the beautiful view


We also did some swimming.  The resort had a high dock that you could jump off at high tide.  Andy decided to jump.  It was about 6 meters high...I chickened out and just took photos

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I did manage to jump off the low dock :-)

One of my favorite activities over the weekend was shrimping.  We caught shrimp the old fashioned way with these tools that were basically forks with long handles.  We were each given a headlamp and we walked along the shore after the sun set looking for little shrimp.  The shrimp's eyes would reflect the light from our headlamps making them more visible.  Once we tracked them down, we speared the shrimp with our forks.  Andy and I caught a total of 24 shrimp! Too bad they were too little to eat. 

It was a wonderful and restful weekend spent relaxing in nature.  It was definitely a great way to celebrate Easter and be reminded of the beauty and wonder of God's creation.  


Alrighty, guess I've taken a long enough break from cleaning.  Time to get back to wiping windows!  You can see the rest of my Telunas pics in this album.

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