Friday, June 18, 2010


Well I successfully made it through VBS week.  I had a great time, but I must say, I have new found respect for elementary school teachers.  Managing a group of 6-8 year olds has really kicked my butt this week.  They are wonderful, lovable, but so full of energy, it's tough to keep up and not lose your mind.

In the garden, we're losing the battle with the hornworms.  Last night, I went out to pick some tomatoes, only to find that half my plants had been decimated by these fat buggers:

I think we picked off at least 10 last night and I found 3 more this morning.  They are huge - the only consolation is that they make a satisfying pop when you squish them.  Gross.  But, for the tomatoes that did survive, I've been enjoying some amazing bruschetta the past couple of nights.

It seems wrong to add some cute baby stuff to this post, so I suppose I'll just leave it for another day.  This weekend is going to be an exciting one (insert eyeroll).  Andy's signed us up for an all day investing workshop tomorrow.  In an attempt to win some major wife points, I'm going with him (after all I am the one with the economics degree).  I might cash in those points for a trip to this blueberry farm I just heard about sometime this weekend :-) I love picking fresh fruit (no matter how hot it is outside)! 

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